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2024 Reading Goal

Optional has read 0 of 24 books.

The Vegetarian (2017, imusti, Granta Books) 4 stars

Yeong-hye and her husband are ordinary people. He is an office worker with moderate ambitions …

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4 stars

Yes, this plot is going places. But it finds very natural ways to take the reader along and experience this wild series of events in a believable way. Full review here.

My goal last year was 12, which I increased to 24 in June/July. When I reached that I stopped caring about increasing it and still ended up reading 42. This year I'm planning on reading some long books though so I'll just stick with the "modest" goal of 24.

My goal last year was 12, which I increased to 24 in June/July. When I reached that I stopped caring about increasing it and still ended up reading 42. This year I'm planning on reading some long books though so I'll just stick with the "modest" goal of 24.