Karen Wickre: Taking the Work Out of Networking (Hardcover, 2018, Gallery Books) 4 stars

"The former Google executive, editorial director of Twitter and self-described introvert offers networking advice for …

Review of 'Taking the Work Out of Networking' on 'Goodreads'

5 stars

I'm fortunate to consider myself a member of Karen Wickre's large network, and have benefited from numerous introductions she's made over the years. I've always known how good Karen is at collecting connections, curating her network, and putting it to work in a variety of ways. What I never knew was how she does it, and this book is a wonderful dissection of how intentional she is at networking (in all its various forms).

The book is focused specifically on introverts, but I suspect many extroverts will find nuggets in here that will help. (Her thoughts on how to systematically maintain loose ties was particularly insightful for me, and I'm already thinking about how to apply her approach in my own work.) I expect the book will do particularly well among new graduates who are realizing the power of personal networks for the first time, and people experiencing career transitions.

Throughout, Karen's voice comes through. In person she's relaxed, amiable, and curious -- and she has a gift for translating those qualities to the pages in the book. Introverts in particular will feel like they have a trusted confidant who will guide them along the path to a more effective and powerful personal network.