Sam started reading Radicalized by Cory Doctorow
Radicalized by Cory Doctorow
Four short stories about the near future and the dystopia we're building for ourselves.
Cooperator, luddite, and Atlantan. Solidarity forever 🌹. When not reading 📚 probably wants to be out swing or blues dancing 🕺, backpacking ⛺🥾, climbing 🧗, or mountain biking 🚵.
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32% complete! Sam has read 24 of 75 books.
Four short stories about the near future and the dystopia we're building for ourselves.
"For fifty years, our economic mission in America, at its core, has been to build bigger houses farther apart from each other. And boy have we succeeded: a nation of starter castles for entry-level monarchs, built at such remove one from the next that the car is unavoidable."
Page xi, from the forward by Bill McKibben
The Ministry for the Future is a climate fiction ("cli-fi") novel by American science fiction writer Kim Stanley Robinson published …
A collection of short stories by Sim Kern, Real Sugar is Hard to Find explores intersections of climate change, reproductive …
This book is not easy: it contains no quick-fix plan for a better, brighter tomorrow, and gives no ready-made answers. …
Updated with a new introduction from Robin Wall Kimmerer, the special edition of Braiding Sweetgrass, reissued in honor of the …
Investigator Mossa and Scholar Pleiti reunite to solve a brand-new mystery in the follow-up to the fan-favorite cozy space opera …
Investigator Mossa and Scholar Pleiti reunite to solve a brand-new mystery in the follow-up to the fan-favorite cozy space opera …
An antimeme is an idea with self-censoring properties ; an idea which, by its intrinsic nature, discourages or prevents people …
Investigator Mossa and Scholar Pleiti reunite to solve a brand-new mystery in the follow-up to the fan-favorite cozy space opera …
For better, for worse. In sickness and in health. It’s a legal vow of care for families in 2050, a …