Survival of the Richest

The Tech Elite's Ultimate Exit Strategy

English language

Published Sept. 15, 2022 by Norton & Company Limited, W. W..

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Named One of the Most Anticipated Books of 2022 by Kirkus and Literary Hub

The tech elite have a plan to survive the apocalypse: they want to leave us all behind.

Five mysterious billionaires summoned theorist Douglas Rushkoff to a desert resort for a private talk. The topic? How to survive the “Event”: the societal catastrophe they know is coming. Rushkoff came to understand that these men were under the influence of The Mindset, a Silicon Valley–style certainty that they and their cohort can break the laws of physics, economics, and morality to escape a disaster of their own making—as long as they have enough money and the right technology.

In Survival of the Richest, Rushkoff traces the origins of The Mindset in science and technology through its current expression in missions to Mars, island bunkers, AI futurism, and the metaverse. In a dozen urgent, electrifying chapters, he confronts tech …

2 editions

Tasty chronicle

5 stars

(em português → )

The attitudes of techno-billionaires are rather indigestible, but they have made for a tasty non-fiction book in Douglas Rushkoff's chronicle: "Survival of the Richest" (2023). Rushkoff is an influential countercultural author in the field of technology. He reflects on the mentality of the current generation of plutocrats who plan to walk around immune to the planetary destruction they cause. Although the book's subtitle is "Escape fantasies of tech billionaires", it's not just about the hope of escaping to Mars or "evolving" into an immortal digitised consciousness. A central theme is an ideology that the author has baptised "The Mindset", a common denominator in the attitude of these billionaires of the digital age. As the book is practically entirely about this, it's not easy to summarise the concept. But The Mindset is a kind of supremacism, a sense of superiority based on wealth, power and technology, …

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