Die Schock-Strategie

Der Aufstieg des Katastrophen-Kapitalismus , #17407

Paperback, 763 pages

German language

Published Jan. 31, 2012 by Fischer-Taschenbuch-Verlag.

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4 stars (8 reviews)

Die Schock-Strategie: Der Aufstieg des Katastrophen-Kapitalismus ist ein im September 2007 in deutscher Übersetzung aus dem Englischen erschienenes kapitalismuskritisches Buch der kanadischen Journalistin Naomi Klein. Die Autorin führt anhand von zeitgeschichtlichen Beispielen aus, wie Schocks wirtschaftlicher oder militärischer Art und Naturkatastrophen dazu genutzt werden können, über politischen Einfluss Privatisierungen nach dem Modell der Chicagoer Schule und insbesondere Milton Friedmans in nationalen Volkswirtschaften gegen den politisch artikulierten Willen der Mehrheit der Bevölkerung durchzusetzen.

(Quelle: Wikipedia)

25 editions

Enlightening read

5 stars

This is an absolutely phenomenal book. Having grown up in a country that has been on the receiving end of the titular shock doctrine, this book gave me the tools to better understand my experience. While I have always been aware of different aspects of the issue, I can now put all of it together and understand the bigger picture.

Naomi Klein has an excellent writing style, explaining her thoughts in very clear and understandable terms. I listened to the audio version, but when I checked out a written copy of the book, I was really impressed by the sheer amount of sources/references she names. That's why I believe that this work is not just a think piece, but a product of actual, serious research.

Overall I would 100% recommend reading The Shock Doctrine, just with a warning that it might make you very, very angry at the world.

Review of 'The shock doctrine' on 'Goodreads'

3 stars

This was a very interesting, but incredibly difficult to read, book. On the one hand I'm glad to have become aware of all these hideous crimes US economists have perpetrated - or at least aided and abetted - since the 70s; on the other, I see what the author wrote in 2007 and look at what has happened since, and I still see that the corporations are winning and the people are losing.

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  • Financial crises
  • Capitalism
  • Free enterprise
  • Corporate power
  • Disasters
  • Economic history
