Small Wonders Issue 1

English language

Published by Small Wonders LLC.

reviewed Small Wonders Issue 1

Small Wonders Issue 1

5 stars

It's extremely hard to only pick a couple of pieces of short fiction out of Small Wonders Issue 1, but I'm going to limit myself to my three most most favorites:

My advisor says it's perfectly normal--mage candidates pouring too much of themselves into job applications their first time on the market can lead to all kinds of grief.

"You're manifesting your own potential futures," she assured me when this all started, "They'll fade with time."

For me, applying for a jobs always feels like stretching yourself into the dream of some potential unrealized future you; this short story manifests that idea by having these future yous be literal.

I don't have to listen to you tell me I should be happy for losing my job just because some other alien colonizer didn't eat …