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Richard Kühnau: Schlesische Sagen 3 - Zauber-, Wunder- und Schatzsagen (1913, B.G. Teubner) No rating

In earlier times, people occasionally saw a fiery barrel roll down the west side of the mountain of Reich-Hennersdorf towards the river Bober. This barrel was filled with gold, and vanished as soon as it touched the waters of the Bober.

Schlesische Sagen 3 - Zauber-, Wunder- und Schatzsagen by 

This is by no means the weirdest supernatural phenomenon from German #folklore ...

On one rainy day, a girl from the village walked through the grain field, and discovered a small chicken which was entirely wet. She took pity on the little animal, and took it with her.

When she had brought it home, it started to vomit grain, and in this manner it spat out several sack-full of grains. This was the [above-mentioned] dragon, which was flying through the air at night and was trailing a fiery shine behind it.

Schlesische Sagen 2 - Elben-, Dämonen- und Teufelsagen by  (Schlesische Sagen, #2)

I knew that #dragons could take on all sorts of forms in #folklore .

But I have to admit that I did not have "grain-spitting #chicken " on my bingo card...

If someone walks through the Jüschke (a forested gorge between Hollenau and Birgwitz) at midnight, an fiery foal jumps on their back. It makes the person carry it for a while, and then suddenly vanishes. Based on the location where it appears, it is called the "Jüschkefüllen" ("Jüschke Foal").

Schlesische Sagen 1 - Spuk- und Gespenstersagen by  (Schlesische Sagen, #1)

I want to stress that strange things jumping on the backs of lone wanderers at night is an extremely common occurrence in German #folklore .

Really, it's probably best to stay home at night.

...A barber once hanged himself here. And when people step into this small forest at 12 o'clock at noon or after the evening prayers, they will be grabbed by invisible hands, forced to sit down on a tree stump, and be lathered and shaved against their will.

Schlesische Sagen 1 - Spuk- und Gespenstersagen by  (Schlesische Sagen, #1)

Ghosts have little respect for personal boundaries. #folktale #folklore #ghost

commented on Preussens Volkssagen, Märchen und Legenden, als Balladen, Romanzen und Erzählungen. Dritter Band by Widar Ziehnert (Preussens Volkssagen, Märchen und Legenden, als Balladen, Romanzen und Erzählungen, #3)

commented on Deutsche Sagen by Wilhelm Grimm (Deutsche Sagen, #2)

I've translated the following folk tale from the second volume of "Deutsche Sagen" - the other #folklore collection by the Brothers Grimm:

"Albertus Magnus and Emperor Wilhelm" ("Albertus Magnus und Kaiser Wilhelm"): www.patreon.com/posts/in-emperors-89749245

I've translated the following folk tales from this #folklore collection:

"Hare at the Crossroads near Remetschwil" ("Hase am Kreuzwegli bei Remetschwil") "Hanging by a Straw" ("Erhängen am Strohhalm"): www.patreon.com/posts/further-leporid-88425566

"The Hare Woman of Zofingen" ("Die Zofinger-Hasenfrau") "Hannele of Eckwil" ("Hannele von Eckwyl"): www.patreon.com/posts/return-of-hare-95038348

"The Fickle Xaver of Tägerig" ("Der Lädeligugger-Xaveri von Tägerig"): www.patreon.com/posts/reformed-secret-92293430