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commented on Le royaume enchanté by Russell Banks

En 1971, Harley Mann revisite son enfance et raconte l'installation de sa famille dans les …

#VendrediLecture avec cette émission France-Culture pour savoir si vous devez lire « Le royaume enchanté », de Russell Banks : www.radiofrance.fr/franceculture/podcasts/les-midis-de-culture/critique-litterature-lisez-le-dernier-roman-de-russell-banks-grand-auteur-de-l-amerique-3154564 Attention, comme j'attendais d'avoir fini le livre pour l'écouter je ne peux vous dire à quel point les invités divulgâchent :-) #lecture #littérature #RussellBanks #podcast #radio #FranceCulture #BookWyrm #BookWyrmFR

Leyla, Shabaneh et Rodja se sont rencontrées sur les bancs de l’université à Téhéran. Soudées …

Devotions (2020, Penguin Books) No rating

Throughout her celebrated career, Mary Oliver has touched countless readers with her brilliantly crafted verse, …

In Blackwater Woods by Mary Oliver

Look, the trees are turning their own bodies into pillars

of light, are giving off the rich fragrance of cinnamon and fulfillment,

the long tapers of cattails are bursting and floating away over the blue shoulders

of the ponds, and every pond, no matter what its name is, is

nameless now. Every year everything I have ever learned

in my lifetime leads back to this: the fires and the black river of loss whose other side

is salvation, whose meaning none of us will ever know. To live in this world

you must be able to do three things: to love what is mortal; to hold it

against your bones knowing your own life depends on it; and, when the time comes to let it go, to let it go.

Devotions by 

commented on Leçons by Ian McEwan

Alors que la menace de Tchernobyl plane sur l'Europe, la vie londonienne de l'aspirant poète …

#VendrediLecture avec « Leçons ». C'est mon premier roman d'Ian McEwan, et je dois avouer que je n'accroche pas, sans vraiment pouvoir expliquer les raisons. Le style n'est pas désagréable, et certains chapitres m'ont plu, notamment ceux traitant de la jeunesse du protagoniste, mais je n'arrive pas à m'immerger dans le récit. Comme je vais toujours au bout de mes lectures, mon sentiment pourrait changer par la suite, n'ayant terminé que les un tiers du roman. #IanMcEwan #lecture #livre #littérature #BookWyrm #BookWyrmFR #TeamLettres

Vers les étoiles (EBook, français language, 2020, Denoël) 5 stars

Une femme. Une mission. Sauver le monde. 1952. Une météorite s'écrase au large de Washington, …

Although I like the idea of being sort of subterranean-ly connected to Mastodon via the Fediverse, still unclear about best way to use it. But one of my goals for 2024 is to read more openly...

So I am planning to:
- import books into my bookwyrm when I start reading them
- boost that starting status on my profile, like I did here
- Then add comments and reading notes from Mastodon to Bookwyrm along the way

Does that make any sense at all? How do other folks connect reading notes to their reading activity?

There’s a princess trapped in a tower. This isn’t her story.

Meet Toadling. On the …

A lovely book, made for and showcasing a not-so-often highlighted type of person

4 stars

Vibes of "A slow regard for silent things" by Patrick Rothfuss. A lovely story, a lovely world, for lovely people.

T. Kingfisher has been writing some great stuff lately!


"Vulnerable, tender, acute, these are serious poems, brave poems, exploring with honesty the ambiguous moment …

What I Didn't Know Before by Ada Limón

was how horses simply give birth to other horses. Not a baby by any means, not a creature of liminal spaces, but already a four-legged beast hellbent on walking, scrambling after the mother. A horse gives way to another horse and then suddenly there are two horses, just like that. That's how I loved you. You, off the long train from Red Bank carrying a coffee as big as your arm, a bag with two computers swinging in it unwieldily at your side. I remember we broke into laughter when we saw each other. What was between us wasn't a fragile thing to be coddled, cooed over. It came out fully formed, ready to run.

The Carrying: Poems by