I Feed Her to the Beast and the Beast Is Me (2023, Holt & Company, Henry) 4 stars

3.5 stars

3 stars

Overall I found this to be a good book. It's a decent debut. I think I expected it to have a little more of a creepy factor to it, and in reality I didn't find it to be creepy at all.

I struggled a bit during the ballet sections because I'm not familiar with the terms and had to keep stopping to get an idea of what was being described. I'm sure for those that have done ballet or are familiar with it, those sections will likely be more enjoyable. The cutthroat nature of professional ballet I felt was appropriately handled, but again I've never been into ballet at all, so I could be completely wrong haha.

The description makes it clear that this is a slow burn, but it was verrrry sloooow through a good chunk of it. It started to drag a little too much in the middle and I almost DNFd it but I was interested enough to want to know the ending. The last section of the book was very quick to get through and I wish some of the action and suspense had been spread through the book a little more to keep it from dragging.

There's a sequel that will be coming out and I think I might pick it up and see where the story goes.