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Joined 1 year, 6 months ago

I'm a stressed out mom that works way too much and uses reading as my escape time. I've been really enjoying picking up books that I know absolutely nothing about other than the title and giving it a go. This book roulette has been helping me push my boundaries and read books I likely never would have picked up before.

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KnitAFett's books

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7% complete! KnitAFett has read 4 of 52 books.

David Heska Wanbli Weiden: Winter Counts (Hardcover, 2021, Wheeler Publishing Large Print) 5 stars

A groundbreaking thriller about a vigilante on a Native American reservation who embarks on a …

I wondered if I should let Guv go, show him the mercy I'd never been given. That was the Lakota way, wasn't it? Wacantognaka, one of the seven Lakota values - it meant compassion, generosity, kindness, forgiveness. I remembered the lessons from my teachers back at school. They'd taught that the greatest honor, the greatest bravery, came when a warrior chose to let his enemy go free and touched him with the coup stick.

Winter Counts by  (Page 4)