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Joined 1 year, 8 months ago

I'm a stressed out mom that works way too much and uses reading as my escape time. I've been really enjoying picking up books that I know absolutely nothing about other than the title and giving it a go. This book roulette has been helping me push my boundaries and read books I likely never would have picked up before.

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KnitAFett's books

Currently Reading

2025 Reading Goal

53% complete! KnitAFett has read 28 of 52 books.

John Boyne: The Boy In The Striped Pyjamas (Paperback, 2014, Deinitions) 3 stars

The story of The Boy in the Striped Pyjamas is very difficult to describe. Usually …

Decent, but slightly concerning.

2 stars

I appreciated what this story was meant to do and how it was meant to convey the horrors of Auschwitz to a younger reading audience. Unless you have a general understanding already of what happened at the concentration camps, though, the holding back and changing of words (from Bruno's ability to understand and comprehend what's going on) could honestly be a bit confusing.

The ending definitely took me by surprise and I was not expecting it at all. Seeing the behavior of the soldiers to the 9 year old protagonist was a surprise and helped add a little bit of tension. I mean, if they treat the children of the man in charge of the concentration camp in this manner, just imagine how horrible it is on the other side of the fence.

However, my biggest gripes concern the young main character. I absolutely cannot suspend reason and believe that …

reviewed Children of Blood and Bone by Tomi Adeyemi (Legacy of Orïsha, #1)

Tomi Adeyemi: Children of Blood and Bone (Hardcover, 2018, Henry Holt and Co. (BYR)) 4 stars

They killed my mother. They took our magic. They tried to bury us.

Now we …

Very robust YA novel

4 stars

I found this to be a quick read, despite the length of this book. I listened to the audiobook, and it was a great option to hear the chants and words spoken instead of my mind butchering them. Fantasy is a genre that I haven't really delved into very much in the past but have been wanting to give it another go. This one honestly intimidated me at first, and I was hesitant to pick it up even with so many recommendations coming from readers with similar tastes. I'm sad I pushed it off as long as I did, but I'm really excited to continue on and see where the story goes, especially with so much being established in this one.

The attention to detail in this world-building was great and there wasn't a lot repeated just to fill in space, so each area felt like a new experience with …

Toshikazu Kawaguchi: Before the coffee gets cold (2019) 4 stars

[Fiction / Fantasy / Contemporary] What would you change if you could go back in …

Why cat on cover if not cat in story...

3 stars

But I digress. This book was alright. I'm not sure if it was just the translator's doing or if it's how it was originally written, but with what should be some heavy moments, it just felt devoid of emotions. This comes across as a cozy book but I've read other cozy books that still have emotional topics that allow you to feel those emotions while still feeling it's a cozy read.

I was sucked into it at first because the premise of it was so interesting and refreshing. You can travel forward or backward in time for as long as the freshly poured coffee is warm, cannot have any influence on what has already happened, and the chair that you must use is only available for a short period of time once a day because it's occupied by a ghost lady until she needs to use the bathroom. Which, I …