小川洋子, Stephen Snyder, Yoko Ogawa: The Memory Police (Paperback, 2020, Penguin Random House) 4 stars


A haunting Orwellian novel about the terrors of state surveillance, …

Very simple prose, but still a good read.

4 stars

The story was enjoyable enough which was good since there really isn't a massive underlying story going on. You do not get any answers as to what is going on. You are literally following the MC as she is experiencing things in her life disappear and you never know anything more than what she knows.

All the characters in this book are anonymous, no names are ever given, but it felt right and did not detract from being able to follow the story at all.

There is not some big "AH-HA" moment where everything clicks. For me, it came across that in the beginning, the MC is afraid of losing her editor/friend (who does not lose his memories) after having lost her parents. But on the flip side, her friend is watching her deteriorate bit by bit as the memories are taken from her and she begins to forget how to live. It's eerie because of how quickly and easily the forgetting is accepted, and there is an underlying tension through the entire book because at any moment, a memory can be erased.

Not one that I will have an interest in rereading again, but found it to be a good read.