Emily Dean: Everybody Died, So I Got a Dog (2020, Hodder & Stoughton) 4 stars

Growing up with the Deans was a fabulous training ground for many things: ignoring unpaid …

4.5 rounded down

4 stars

I had no idea who Emily Dean was before I picked up this book to read. And I absolutely picked it up on the title alone, not even knowing it was a memoir, so I was very pleasantly surprised. Emily does not hold back on the chaotic upbringing that she had and is not afraid to point the finger at herself as well.

She grew up always wanting to have a dog, but living in a household where animals were prone to death eliminated the possibility. She tragically loses her sister who is her rock through her whole life, and then quickly loses her mother and father as well. She discusses how she came to terms with the sudden deaths of her entire family and how she works through being ok with not having been able to get closure with everything because of it.

It came across as very genuine and she mixed a perfect amount of mild comedy with the heaviness of the overrunning topics in the book. I would say this is worth a read even if Emily Dean is a new name to you. You did not hit any point where you were missing out on inside information that you were expected to know from media coverage of said person. I'll likely be looking into her podcast now.

I'm glad that at the end of her grieving process that Emily was in fact able to get a dog.