Castle Waiting
                Castle Waiting Fantagraphic Books (2010, Fantagraphics Books) 3 stars

Review of 'Castle Waiting\r\n \r\n Castle Waiting Fantagraphic Books' on 'Goodreads'

3 stars

Less action packed then volume one, this was more then balanced out for me at least by a lack of things that made me deeply uncomfortable. Namely no mythologizing of the Roma and a sprinkling of gender noncomformity. While a very few reviewers on goodreads really noted the scale down of action, the vast majority of people took no issue with it. While not that much happens, the characters really shine and create a pretty fun and relaxing experience that I think many can appreciate. Another net positive is how the flash backs were a lot more limited this time around, and all directly related to what was happening in the moment.

Hopefully this series gets started again at some point in the future. I certainly wish Medley all the best