Rat queens (2016) 3 stars

Having survived the end of the world, the Queens follow Hannah back to where it …

Review of 'Rat queens' on 'Goodreads'

2 stars

Story 1/5 Art 3/5

While I wasn't sure if I would continue with this series after all the drama and not really being a fan at all anyway, I saw my library had just picked up volume 4 so I figured I might as well get caught up. Not because I do not take allegations of domestic abuse seriously, thankfully it appears as Upchurch will not be returning after all, or the way in which Wiebe apparently treated Fowler, but because this is still a kind of an important clusterf***.

That disclaimer aside, the plotline struck me as dangerously fragmented. And while I can appreciate learning more backstory, it was hard to keep all the scenes connected in my head. It may just be my imagination but there also seemed to be fewer drugs and swearing then previously. And the Rat Queens are certainly having a lot less fun.

Art-wise it's kind of hard for me to recall exactly what Upchurch looked like, but this volume was still brimming over with boobs and one scene of full frontal female nudity. I may be reading too much into this, but it did strike me as odd that after this volume Weibe split with two female artists over creative differences, returning to an all-male creative team for volume four which (flipping through) has lost its sexuality entirely. Way to miss potentially totally miss the point, at least when it comes to me, which is obviously all that Rat Queens should be caring about!