Paulo Freire: Pedagogy of the Oppressed (EBook, 2018, Blomsbury) 4 stars

First published in Portuguese in 1968, Pedagogy of the Oppressed was translated and published in …

This phenomenon, in addition to their class position, perhaps explains why so many professionals adhere to anti-dialogical action. Whatever the specialty that brings them into contact with the people, they are almost unshakably convinced that it is their mission to “give” the latter their knowledge and techniques. They see themselves as “promotors” of the people. Their programs of action (which might have been prescribed by any good theorist of oppressive action) include their own objectives, their own convictions, and their own preoccupations. They do not listen to the people, but instead plan to teach them how to “cast off the laziness which creates underdevelopment.” To these professionals, it seems absurd to consider the necessity of respecting the “view of the world” held by the people.

Pedagogy of the Oppressed by  (70%)

Ouch! As someone who works in a public library makerspace, this hits a little too close for comfort... I do try to just empower the patrons to do whatever it is they already want to do, using the equipment at our disposal. But... I can't deny I also silently judge them for making things that I think are "silly" or wasteful. And I definitely have a lot of my training for the equipment memorized down to a script, too.