Reviews and Comments

Remy Rose

Joined 8 months, 2 weeks ago

She/they. I like knitting, math, and uplifting the proletariat.

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The Free People's Village (2023, Levine Querido) 3 stars

In an alternate 2020 timeline, Al Gore won the 2000 election and declared a War …

More Bleak than I Expected

4 stars

Despite being set in an alternate history, this book really felt like an extremely realistic depiction of everything going on with the left these days. It's pretty brutal and sad, honestly. I really wanted it to end on some utopian note, but it ends in an extremely probable way instead. Maybe that's more important.

reviewed The magicians by Lev Grossman

The magicians (2015, A Plume Book) 3 stars

"Quentin Coldwater's life is changed forever by an apparently chance encounter: when he turns up …

or, "The Incels of Narnia"

1 star

I am determined to finish at least the first book, even though I hate it. Actually, maybe it's because I hate it. I don't like to rate or review books I haven't finished, but I feel compelled to talk about how terrible this book is. The author is a frequent offender on r/menwritingwomen, and for good reason. He claims all the misogyny (among other things) is intentional, because the story is "filtered through the mind & eyes of a 17 year old boy". That's a pretty dubious claim on its face, and it doesn't really explain why all the other characters do and say what they do. Maybe I'll flesh this out more when I finish it.

On the other hand, generally the writing itself is decent enough, even if it gets a little purple prose at times. Just watch the show, it's 1000% better than the source material.