That was a quick read. Very entertaining. The switch between the two-time frames kept it thrilling enough to keep on reading.
Some parts are quite .. unbelievable. After 200 years in the water a glass vial would be smoothen out and a possible logo would be destroyed. Also, the hidden room untouched? After 200 years? I would have liked to read an explanation for that. And what about going into a dark back alley during the night, trespassing and breaking into a building? No one ever? Not once, not a kid, no teens, no secret lovers would have done it? Quite unrealistic from my point of view.
I didn’t like Carolines inner dialogue when it comes to her marriage and how she seemed to freeze when it comes to James’s unannounced arrival in London. Personally, I would have send him to another hotel or would have switched hotels before his arrival. Needless to say that I didn’t like James at all.
Some potential stayed unused, especially Nella’s end and some words about Eliza after she found Nella on the doorstep.
Overall I liked the stories about the three main protagonists. Three women and their stories on how they found their place.