A world divided. A queendom without an heir. An ancient enemy awakens.
The House of …
Not my genre
3 stars
I gave it a try. I did. And partly I enjoyed reading it.
I liked Game of Thrones, I liked Wheel of Time. I don't have issues with dragons, magick or mages but this one was just boring for most of the time. Only the last mile so to say it got interesting.
A complete unnecessary element is the love-story between Ead and Sabran. Adds no value to the story.
Having said that. I admire that the author created a world driven by women. And then .. I have read better books when it comes to that.
No, I won't read the second book. The story has ended .. for me.
All they wanted was the chance to shine. Be careful what you wish for…
'The …
Had me in tears
5 stars
This book left a deep impact ...
I highly recommend this true story. It had me in its grip. It took me a while to read through because it is hard to endure the pain and strength of the women involved over such a long time.
It's unbelievable how long it took for the women to find justice. How they were ignored, mistreated, and discredited.
I truly believe that it would still be the same in our days. Company's only interest are the money they can make, whitewashing their "code of ethics" or "code of conduct", lying and manipulating, bribing and threatening the people who are a risk to the companies vault.
Aging and reclusive Hollywood movie icon Evelyn Hugo is finally ready to tell the truth …
That was a surprise.
5 stars
The book was gifted to me for Christmas. The life story of a Hollywood diva from the '50s and her seven husbands that spans all the way into the 2010s. I didn't expect much. I, not really a fan of romance novels or even interested in film icons and their lives, wasn't particularly inclined to read this book... until I did.
It didn't even take a full chapter before I couldn't put it down. Jenkins' writing style has something truly special that completely captivated me. So refreshing and the words were appropriately chosen.
I loved the structured writing, which makes the novel easy to read and follow.
Particularly close to the end when everything unfolds, you begin grasping the meaning, that there is more than just the seven marriages of Evelyn Hugo.
I didn't expect the end, though. Conclusive but it left me sad.
Obviously, there was / is a …
The book was gifted to me for Christmas. The life story of a Hollywood diva from the '50s and her seven husbands that spans all the way into the 2010s. I didn't expect much. I, not really a fan of romance novels or even interested in film icons and their lives, wasn't particularly inclined to read this book... until I did.
It didn't even take a full chapter before I couldn't put it down. Jenkins' writing style has something truly special that completely captivated me. So refreshing and the words were appropriately chosen.
I loved the structured writing, which makes the novel easy to read and follow.
Particularly close to the end when everything unfolds, you begin grasping the meaning, that there is more than just the seven marriages of Evelyn Hugo.
I didn't expect the end, though. Conclusive but it left me sad.
Obviously, there was / is a hype about this book and if so, it is totally worth it. It's an astonishing, touching and amazingly written historical fiction novel about unconditional love, passion power, guilt and loss, as well as the shocking and toxic reality behind fame and old Hollywood's glamour. I even might read it a second time to digest the bits and pieces of wisdom by Evelyn.
Elle's world collapsed when Johnny left her in Venice, 1740. Her trust shattered when he …
Not only inspired by Doctor Who ...
3 stars
Content warning
Mentioning part of the end of the book which might take away the suspense.
... this IS a Doctor Who story. Me thinks the author wrote this story with the intend to submit it to the producers. The similarities are simply too obvious to think otherwise.
I love the TV show and I loved reading it only 3* because I believe the author not only got inspired but definitely copied an episode of Doctor Who. Either by "Cryogenic Chamber" (4th Doctor) or "A Christmas Carol" (11th Doctor). More likely the first.
Anyhow. It was an easy and quick read but I doubt there will be 3rd book in the Johnny Smythe series.
Elain Fairchild Elle to her friends never asked for the trouble that finds her. And …
This could have been a Doctor Who episode. And a good one at that, too.
Very entertaining read. Short and easy, thrilling with the right amount of suspense .. and a cliffhanger that made be purchase the second book of the series.
If you like Doctor Who you will love this little book.
And there's the downside of it. It is too close to the the Doc.
You have a trivial name for a time traveller with a lunatic behaviour.
You've got a "weird tech thingy" which he uses all the time.
You've got a time machine.
And there are the bad guys.
As I said, it would have made a great episode and golden thread for an entire season of Doc Who.
However, I'm beginning to read the 2nd book today. Because I love it.
The Colour of Milk is the new novel by Orange longlisted author and playwright Nell …
The saddest book I ever read
5 stars
Content warning
Talking about the outcome of the story.
... and then I shall be free.
A short story about a witty but uneducated farm girl, how she got sold by her father to the local priest to take care of his sick wife, and how he, after his wife died, started to teach her to read and to write .. at an unspeakable cost for her.
The book starts easy. An all-day story about the hardships Mary's family has to live through to keep everyone fed. Word by word, line by line a story gets unveiled that will leave you just sad, shocked and helpless.
At first glance it might not be a happy end but for Mary, the rope could be THE happy end.
A brilliant book. If not for Christmas time I guess I could have read it in one day.
Loved reading it. Compared to the first "She who became the Sun" this one was not as compelling. In parts it was just too long and twisted.
Nonetheless I think this is a very good one to dive into the world of Mandates, Desires, queer Love, Loyalty and in the end creating something bigger than oneself.