Audrey Millet: Le livre noir de la mode (EBook, French language, 2021) 5 stars

La mondialisation a radicalement modifié l’industrie de l’habillement et le rapport au corps. Le contenu …

Great source on the environmental and human consequences of the fashion industry

5 stars

(Review in English -le français n'est pas ma langue maternelle, donc je peux m'exprimer d'une façonne plus efficace en anglais.)

This book provides what I think is a very comprehensive look into the key issues facing the fashion industry- labour, environment and consumerism. In each topic explored, Millet takes care to thoroughly examine the key issues, causes and where possible, potential solutions. There is no doubt that anyone could learn something new from this book.

As someone who had already previously done a lot of research on these topics, there were parts where I feel I didn't learn much. Nevertheless, I think the vast majority of people would have almost no idea about the true effect and scale of the fashion industry. In particular I was shocked to learn of the horrendous impact of the cotton industry internationally, as well as of the American predominance in it. I would be interested to see a further discussion on the effects of other materials (wool, linen, polyester) in this detail. However, the ever strong popularity of cotton meant the emphasis on cotton was entirely reasonable.

Highly recommend this book for anyone looking to know more (not sure if there is an English edition out yet.)