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Currently an International Studies/Software Development student with a love of speculative fiction. I also read a decent amount of nonfiction focusing on politics and philosophy. I read in French, Spanish, and (mostly) English with the potential for a foray into Esperanto.

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Ned Beauman: Venomous Lumpsucker (2022, Soho Press, Incorporated) 4 stars

Didn't click with me

3 stars

Set in the near future where extinction credits are used to buy the right to wipe a species from existence, venomous lumpsucker takes a shot at the great Eton Mess that is British politics and at the global preference for uber capitalism over any other priority. I certainly appreciated the satire that was being made of that but have seen it done better elsewhere (Breakfast at Cannibal Joe's by Jay Spencer Green.)

Despite the comical experience others had while reading this, the comedy didn't gel with me. For the most part, I was kind of bored and would have preferred more interaction with the actual lumpsuckers than we got since they were the most interesting part of the novel for me. There were some genuinely interesting ideas poked at throughout but I failed to connect with the characters and while the characters were moving around the plot didn't move much.