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Currently an International Studies/Software Development student with a love of speculative fiction. I also read a decent amount of nonfiction focusing on politics and philosophy. I read in French, Spanish, and (mostly) English with the potential for a foray into Esperanto.

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Meg Elison: The Book of Etta (The Road to Nowhere) (2017, 47North) 3 stars

305 pages ; 21 cm

Heavy handed but still entertaining

3 stars

Compared to the first book in the series this is hardly in the same league. The characters were interesting and some of the plot points were interesting but it simply was not as compelling as the first. The author uses the novel as a playground to explore sexuality and gender. This was done in the first book much more elegantly and here it is heavy handed and at times takes over the effort taken to making the plot decent. I wouldn't say you shouldn't read this book, but go into it with lowered expectations versus the impeccable first entry to the series.