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Joined 2 years, 1 month ago

We're a plural system who loves queer & anarchist scifi.

But recently we just read a few randomly picked up mystery books in a row, in German, and we tend to review books in the language we read them in. That or similar may happen again, be warned.

No reading goals, just feelings.

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Catship's books

Currently Reading (View all 7)

Britney Spears: The Woman in Me (2023, Simon & Schuster) 4 stars

The Woman in Me is a brave and astonishingly moving story about freedom, fame, motherhood, …

Was hard to read but I couldn't stop

No rating

So, I think this is worth reading simply because Britney Spears is someone media loves to be very cruel to, and it's good to read something actually coming from her.

It is a very chronological memoir, and during some phases, the present-day commentary annoyed me a bit. But I think I might not have given Spears enough credit while reading – I think some of the comments that seem meek and understated might actually be a bit sarcastic.

I was a bit puzzled why Spears put so much focus on how prayer and a telepathic connection to her fans saved here, and not at all on someone putting the story out there (Wikipedia says "a voicemail message from a source who claimed to be a former member of Spears' legal team"). But eventually I concluded it's probably for legal reasons and also none of my business.

reviewed Phi Phi Island by Josef Haslinger

Josef Haslinger: Phi Phi Island (Paperback, FISCHER Taschenbuch) No rating


No rating

Also zuallererst.... es sind die Erinnerungen einer europäischen Familie, die im Urlaub auf einer thailändischen Insel den Tsunami von 2004 überlebt hat. Das macht halt eine ganz bestimmte Perspektive.

Ich hab es jetzt an einem Tag gelesen (konnte mich kaum losreißen zum Bad putzen) und mag es. Über Orte, Personen und Gegenstände wird zwischen dem Urlaub davor, der Katastrophe, der Rückreise und der zweiten Reise nach Phi Phi Don ein Jahr später hin und her gesprungen. Statt geballter heftiger Szenen gibt es das Ergebnis eines Aufarbeitungs- und Einordnungs-Prozesses zu lesen, durchzogen von den tragischen Ereignissen.

Ich mag, dass über andere Menschen insgesamt sehr respektvoll geredet wird. Und dass von ganz vielen Gesprächen mit anderen betroffenen Leuten erzählt wird, wodurch ein breiteres Bild entsteht und der Autor sich mir auch einfach sympathischer macht.

Spannend, dass ich das Buch heute gefunden habe, nachdem ich mich gestern an mein Interesse an Katastrophen erinnert …

Bora Chung: Cursed Bunny (Paperback, 2021, Honford Star) 5 stars

Cursed Bunny is a genre-defying collection of short stories by Korean author Bora Chung. Blurring …

Pretty cool

No rating

Most stories have some kind of gruesome supernatural component, I really enjoyed that. One I thought started out looking pretty ableist but then it took a turn that I also thought was cool but probably didn't really make up for the "blindness as a metaphor" thing.

Lauren James: The Next Together (Paperback, 2015, Walker Books, Walker Books Ltd) No rating

Not to my taste

No rating

This is definitely my least favourite Lauren James book. It's from 2015, and it feels extremely 2015. It feels like quirky straight couples who probably have a webcomic together, and this specific kind of constant hyperbole that gets very tiring, and Steven Moffat.

I do like the basic concept, and I am somewhat tempted to read "The Last Beginning". But I don't like much of the content this concept is filled with.

And a lot of things just didn't make as much sense as I'd like them to. Like, they're not completely unbelievable, but it's just a big collection of "uh, ok, I guess that could work out". And sometimes it's just small details that would need mentioning, like that the laptop is encrypted and that's why the 2039 ones need their Superhacker to crack the password instead of just booting with a different OS like the 2019 ones do …