Lauren James: The Next Together (Paperback, 2015, Walker Books, Walker Books Ltd) No rating

Not to my taste

No rating

This is definitely my least favourite Lauren James book. It's from 2015, and it feels extremely 2015. It feels like quirky straight couples who probably have a webcomic together, and this specific kind of constant hyperbole that gets very tiring, and Steven Moffat.

I do like the basic concept, and I am somewhat tempted to read "The Last Beginning". But I don't like much of the content this concept is filled with.

And a lot of things just didn't make as much sense as I'd like them to. Like, they're not completely unbelievable, but it's just a big collection of "uh, ok, I guess that could work out". And sometimes it's just small details that would need mentioning, like that the laptop is encrypted and that's why the 2039 ones need their Superhacker to crack the password instead of just booting with a different OS like the 2019 ones do in a similar situation. Oh, by the way, I'm not entirely convinced of the whole "sure my brother is the most infamous hacker, here's his name and where he lives". But I guess they're in love, sigh.