
quoted The Demon-Haunted World by Carl Sagan

The Demon-Haunted World (Paperback, 1997, Ballantine Books) 5 stars

How can we make intelligent decisions about our increasingly technology-driven lives if we don’t understand …

From across two centuries, it's hard to recapture the frenzied mood that made the French and the 'wild Irish' seem so grave a threat that we were willing to surrender our most precious freedoms. Giving credit for French and Irish cultural triumphs, advocating equal rights for them, was in effect decried in conservative circles as sentimental - unrealistic political correctness. But that's how it always works. It always seems an aberration later. But by then we're in the grip of the next hysteria. Those who seek power at any price detect a societal weakness, a fear that they can ride into office. It could be ethnic differences, as it was then, perhaps different amounts of melanin in the skin; different philosophies or religions; or maybe it's drug use, violent crime, economic crisis, school prayer, or 'desecrating (literally, making unholy) the flag. Whatever the problem, the quick fix is to shave a little freedom off the Bill of Rights. Yes, in 1942, Japanese-Americans were protected by the Bill of Rights, but we locked them up anyway -after all, there was a war on. Yes, there are Constitutional prohibitions against unreasonable search and seizure, but we have a war on drugs and violent crime is racing out of control. Yes, there's freedom of speech, but we don't want foreign authors here, spouting alien ideologies, do we? The pretexts change from year to year, but the result remains the same: concentrating more power in fewer hands and suppressing diversity of opinion - even though experience plainly shows the danger of such a course of action.

The Demon-Haunted World by , (Page 392)

History just keeps repeating itself, lately I’ve been seeing trans individuals at the short end of this phenomenon. Politicians (mainly conservative) are insisting that people who aren’t cis are what’s wrong with the United States. For what reason? Great question.