Henry quoted The Untethered Soul by Michael A. Singer
You fear death because you crave life. You fear death because you think there's something to get that you haven't experienced yet. Many people feel that death will take something away from them. The wise person realizes that death is constantly giving them something. Death is giving meaning to your life. You're the one who throws your life away; you waste every second of it. You get in your car, drive from here to there, and you don't see anything. You're not even there. You're busy thinking about what you're going to do next. You're a month ahead of yourself, or even a year. You're not living life; you're living mind. So it is you who throws your life away, not death. Death actually helps you get your life back by making you pay attention to the moment.
— The Untethered Soul by Michael A. Singer, Michael A. Singer (Page 150)