Seth Godin: The Icarus Deception How High Will You Fly (2012, Portfolio) 4 stars

Initiating a project, a blog, a Wikipedia article, even a unique family journey. Initiating something particularly when you're not putatively in charge. We avoid these acts because we've been trained to avoid them. At the same time, almost all people believe they are capable of editing, giving feedback, or merely criticizing. That means that finding people to fix your typos is easy. Finding someone to say "go" is almost impossible. I don't think the shortage of artists has much to do with the innate ability to create or initiate. I think it has to do with believing that it's possible and acceptable for you to do it. We've had these doors open wide for only a decade or so, and most people have been brainwashed into believing that their job is to copyedit the world, not to design it.

The Icarus Deception How High Will You Fly by  (Page 23)