Edward Hollis: How to Make a Home (Paperback, 2017, Pan Macmillan, imusti) 4 stars

"Have nothing in your houses that you do not know to be useful or believe to be beautiful"

4 stars

I had no clue what to expect going in to this book, but I was thoroughly surprised! It opened me up to a whole new world I had never considered—my home. While I spend nearly every day in my home, I don't think too much about the countless decisions I make and how they impact the aura, efficiency, story, and experience when I'm within the home.

But also, what constitutes a 'home'? How should we treat furniture? What's the point of furniture? How do our homes reflect our lives? How to Make a Home takes a critical look at something I once thought was simple, and has given me a lot to think about.