
reviewed Across the Nightingale Floor by Lian Hearn (Tales of the Otori, Book 1)

Lian Hearn, Mercedes Nunez: Across the Nightingale Floor (Hardcover, 2002, Macmillan) 3 stars

Already a sensation around the world, this first book of the Otori Trilogy is a …

Moody and marvelous

4 stars

A perfectly crystallized setting that manages to convey intense feelings of grief and yearning without becoming mired or miserable. CN misogyny and sexual assault, though they are treated with such a feminist hand that the result is more energizing than defeating.

@infryq Finally, someone who also enjoyed this book! I've recommended it to people, but they never liked it. Especially in later books, I really enjoyed Kaede. I think she's a great example of a female character trying to find agency within the constraints of a deeply patriarchal world, in a very realistic way.