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Paraic reviewed A Plague of Giants (Seven Kennings) by Kevin Hearne
Paraic rated Ink & Sigil: 5 stars
Paraic rated The War of the Maps: 5 stars

The War of the Maps by Paul McAuley
On a giant artificial world surrounding an artificial sun, one man - a lucidor, a keeper of the peace, a …
Paraic rated The squirrel on the train: 4 stars

Kevin Hearne: The squirrel on the train (2017)
The squirrel on the train by Kevin Hearne (Oberon's meaty mysteries)
Oberon the Irish wolfhound is off to Portland to smell all the things with canine companions wolfhound Orlaith and Boston …
Paraic rated The Western Star: 4 stars
Paraic rated To Be Taught, If Fortunate: 4 stars

To Be Taught, If Fortunate by Becky Chambers
At the turn of the twenty-second century, scientists make a breakthrough in human spaceflight. Through a revolutionary method known as …
Paraic rated The Soldier: 3 stars
Paraic rated Voyage of the Sable Keech: 3 stars
Paraic rated Harbinger of the Storm: 4 stars

Harbinger of the Storm by Aliette de Bodard (Obsidian and Blood)
Paraic rated The House of Shattered Wings: 3 stars

The House of Shattered Wings by Aliette de Bodard (Dominion of the Fallen)
Paris has survived the Great Houses War – just. Its streets are lined with haunted ruins, Notre-Dame is a burnt-out …
Paraic rated Ancients of days: 3 stars

Brass Man by Neal L. Asher
Ian Cormac, a legendary Earth Central Security agent, the James Bond of a wealthy future, is hunting an interstellar dragon, …