Untethered Sky (2023, Doherty Associates, LLC, Tom) 4 stars

Ester's family was torn apart when a manticore killed her mother and baby brother, leaving …

I bargained with Zahra in my heart. I've already given you everything of myself. I've left my home, I've braved death, I've devoted myself to your care and training. I hunt with you and for you, I deliver all the bloodshed you crave, I worship you with my weak human frailty. In return, you must stay. You must make me worthwhile. You must be leashed to this cadge and kept in this pen and you must never fly free as you were born to do, because I will never be free of you either, and we are partners in our captivity, each perfectly monstrous in our own way.

Untethered Sky by  (Page 98)