Andrea Hairston: Archangels of Funk (2024, Doherty Associates, LLC, Tom) 3 stars

Archangels of Funk

3 stars

I wanted Archangels of Funk to work for me, but I struggled with its prose. Some of it was the rhythm of short choppy sentences; however, a lot of it was that it felt "no show" and all "third person omniscient tell" that provided details in a jarring manner.

It's got a really unique style (and I truly mean that positively) and I enjoyed the way that it gets into resisting capitalism and post-apocalyptic despair through theater and magical technology, but this book just wasn't for me.

(Also, this is on me, but I only realized belatedly that this is a sequel to Will Do Magic for Small Change and not a standalone book, and maybe this would have stood better for me if it had? To my credit, this is not mentioned anywhere on either side of the dust jacket or in any of the copy, and I think it's mostly intended to stand alone.)