Ann LeBlanc: The Transitive Properties of Cheese (2024, Neon Hemlock Press) 4 stars

The Transitive Properties of Cheese

4 stars

This is a strange little queer transhuman[*] science fiction novella about cheesemaking, embodiment, and trauma. It follows Wayland Millions, part of a group that has continually copied themselves into more and more selves. It's also got cheese forgery and a cheese heist?

This story feels pretty plural (or at least plural-adjacent) to my eyes: there are a number of situations where multiple people share the same body, but it's in a future where selves can copy themselves and instantiate themselves in different bodies as well.

Overall, I'd say this book largely has a lighthearted plot, but also takes itself seriously in a balance that really worked for me.

[*] in the trans trans human sense, as it should be, not that I'd expect anything different from Ann LeBlanc