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Joined 1 year, 10 months ago

I read largely sff, some romance and mystery, very little non-fiction. I'm trying to write at least a little review of everything I'm reading this year, but it's a little bit of an experiment in progress.

I'm elsewhere.

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Linda Nagata: Edges (Inverted Frontier) (Paperback, 2019, Mythic Island Press LLC) 3 stars

Deception Well is a world on the edge, home to an isolated remnant surviving at …

Edges (Inverted Frontier)

3 stars

Edges is a science fiction space story about uploading and alien technology.

There's a lot of fun ideas here, like the captured alien spaceship that requires constant negotiation and consensus, or (similar to Children of Time) putting yourself to sleep for long periods of uninteresting time as needed, but ultimately this is a story a dictatorial spaceship captain, an invader, and the people caught between.

One thing I couldn't get past reading this was the horror of consciousness splitting. Sometimes people are instantiated into bodies and then it's "welp I'm done with this body now", but excuse me that new you was conscious and you just killed it? There's some nod to this, but mostly it's waved past in an unintentionally horrifying way.

reviewed Empire of Sand by Tasha Suri (Books of Ambha)

Tasha Suri: Empire of Sand (Paperback, 2018, orbit) 3 stars

A nobleman's daughter with magic in her blood. An empire built on the dreams of …

Empire of Sand

3 stars

I went back to read this book because I had really enjoyed the characters and relationships in the Jasmine Throne and Oleander Sword. I enjoyed the worldbuilding and the magic, but I personally struggled to enjoy the relationship between Mehr and Amun here that felt like it should have been the emotional backbone of the novel.

replied to enne📚's status

Content warning full spoilers for He Who Drowned the World

Shelley Parker-Chan: He Who Drowned the World (Hardcover, 2023, Tor Books) 3 stars

What would you give to win the world?

Zhu Yuanzhang, the Radiant King, is riding …

He Who Drowned the World

5 stars

I deeply enjoyed the conclusion to this duology. At times it was bleak and dark, but I feel like my thoughts on the first book continued to ring true in this book more than I had expected.

It's hard to talk about this without spoilers, but the thing I liked the most about this book is when it brings two characters together that are ostensibly similar to each other to highlight their differences. Zhu and Ouyang (both not men in their own way) go on adventures. Chen and Zhu (both pragmatically pursuing greatness) face off against each other. Ouyang and Wang (both focused on revenge) have a showdown. I just love seeing all these characters be such foils for each other.

The finale especially was satisfying emotional closure that brought all these main characters together. Even through sacrifice and suffering, there was more hope than I thought there might be. …

Small Wonders Issue 5

4 stars

As is maybe obvious, I've been quite enjoying all of the Small Wonders issues. I don't get a chance to read a lot of short fiction, let alone flash fiction. It certainly looks like a tough job as a writer to squeeze an interesting story into such a small space. In the notes from the editors this time around, they say "flash fiction lives in the transition zone between poetry and story", which explains a lot about why they would create a magazine that covers both (and also why I sometimes misremember a story as being poetry as prose).

Here's a couple of my favorites again from this one:

Whoever gets to autopsy me, congratulations, this really will be a first in the literature if you're allowed to publish.

I really enjoyed this story about a scientist narrating their unexpected last moments. As …

The Law of Take

4 stars

Take was the law of orphans like her, and take she had: power, money, safety. Born with none of these, she would build herself into a fortress that could not be felled, her armor impenetrable, her safety secure.

This was a fun novelette about a scheming empress caught out, full of politics and action. I'm always really impressed at really short fiction that can still manage to include a lot of details about the world and the characters.

Olga Ravn: The Employees (Paperback, 2020, Lolli Editions) 4 stars

Funny and doom-drenched, The Employees chronicles the fate of the Six-Thousand Ship. The human and …

The Employees

4 stars

I read Olga Ravn's The Employees ("A Workplace Novel of the 22nd Century"), and this book sure has some attributes.

The format of this book is ~entirely in disjointed and anonymous (confessional?/professional)? statements to an off-page undescribed committee.

Statement 015 I'm very happy with my add-on. I think you should let more of us have one. It's me and yet it's not me. I've had to change completely in order to assimilate this new part, which you say is also me.

Statement 011 The fragrance in the room has four hearts. None of these hearts is human, and that's why I'm drawn toward them. At the base of this fragrance is soil and oakmoss, incense, and the smell of an insect captured in amber.

I've included two partial statements here for flavor from adjacent pages, because this is the only way I feel like I can convey the Annihilation-esque vibes …

reviewed Small Wonders Issue 4

Small Wonders Issue 4

4 stars

Small Wonders Issue 4 is another one full of really great stories. Here's a couple I especially enjoyed:

About most things in life you can be an agnostic; arrival day is the exception. Only our dreams deny the reality of where we are.

A story about the struggles of a Martian colony celebrating the day their ancestors arrived. This was a fun read especially after recently finishing A City on Mars, but I think thematically the idea of carrying hope for the future just through continuing to struggle towards it day by day resonated a lot.

a secret passenger the ship’s manifest would never recognize, tucked, painfully, into the hollows of my skull.

I love love the idea of this poem about the narrator's relationship with the alien that bursts out of them.

quoted She Who Became the Sun by Shelley Parker-Chan (The Radiant Emperor, #1)

Shelley Parker-Chan: She Who Became the Sun (Paperback, Pan Macmillan) 4 stars

An absorbing historical fantasy, She Who Became the Sun by Shelley Parker-Chan reimagines the rise …

She was grieving her life as she never had before, and it was all this monk's fault for having conjured the impossible fantasy of a world in which she was free to desire.

She Who Became the Sun by  (The Radiant Emperor, #1) (Page 226)

Two Hands, Wrapped in Gold

4 stars

This novelette by SB Divya is a retelling of Rumpelstiltskin with a side of King Midas. This was a lot of fun, and I particularly enjoyed the characters and worldbuilding.

One small note is that this got nominated for the 2023 Hugo Awards and they chose to withdraw it. There's also an interview with them in the same issue of Uncanny that this story was released in that talks a little bit more about this story.

reviewed She Who Became the Sun by Shelley Parker-Chan (The Radiant Emperor, #1)

Shelley Parker-Chan: She Who Became the Sun (Paperback, Pan Macmillan) 4 stars

An absorbing historical fantasy, She Who Became the Sun by Shelley Parker-Chan reimagines the rise …

She Who Became the Sun

5 stars

She Who Became the Sun is a historical fantasy duology, retelling the rise of the first emperor of the Ming dynasty. This is a reread for me before I get to the sequel for a belated #SFFBookClub sequel month.

My favorite part of this first book is the ways that the major characters all uniquely grapple with their own gendered otherness:

Ouyang is an enslaved warrior eunuch working for the Mongol prince of Henan's son, Esen. Ouyang is the most masculine of characters, but copes with his otherness through anger and shame. He so strongly denies the femininity that other people project onto him that he extrudes that rejection into misogyny. His relationship with men is similarly uneasy and hits a classic trans refrain: "he had no idea if it was a yearning for or a yearning to be, and the equal impossibility of each of those hurt …

reviewed Small Wonders Issue 3

Small Wonders 3

4 stars

This didn't quite resonate as the whole of issue 2, but there were still a lot of fun moments in Small Wonders Issue 3. If anything, I'd say this one leans more lighthearted overall than previous issues. These were my favorite stories:

I knock on Lila’s bedroom door and catch her red-handed (literally; her hands are coated in blood) before a brand-new portal as a Vampire Queen and her familiar step out.

Despite my own reservations about the use of the word "quarantine" or "lockdown" for people's early covid experiences, I find myself deeply enjoying seeing how people process their own covid experiences through writing. This in particular is a fun fluff story about necromantic summoning in confined spaces.

The diffuse awareness of the Moonmind comes to an agreement: …

reviewed Defiant by Brandon Sanderson (Skyward, #4)

Brandon Sanderson: Defiant (Hardcover, 2023, Delacorte Press) 4 stars

Spensa made it out of the Nowhere, but what she saw in the space between …


3 stars

Defiant is the final fourth book of Brandon Sanderson's Skyward YA series.

Things I Enjoyed: * brought the series back around full circle to moments from book one * superb Gran-Gran moments * maybe the real friends were the hyperslugs we met along the way

This book was ~ok for me, but the pacing here didn't quite work for me; this is a character-driven series and so the focus on Spensa's emotional journey makes sense, but plot-wise the final book involves an incursion or two by the main squad, some [spoiler] with Spensa, and then we're right at the last[*] battle to wrap up the Superiority and the Delvers all in one. It's all just tied up a little too quickly for a four book series.

If I had to rate the series, the first book was a lot of fun, the second book brought in larger worldbuilding that I …