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Joined 1 year, 10 months ago

We're a plural system who loves queer & anarchist scifi.

But recently we just read a few randomly picked up mystery books in a row, in German, and we tend to review books in the language we read them in. That or similar may happen again, be warned.

No reading goals, just feelings.

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Catship's books

Currently Reading (View all 7)

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Patternmaster (Paperback, 1995, Aspect) 4 stars

The combined mind-force of a telepathic race, Patternist thoughts can destroy, heal, rule. For the …

A bit of a let-down compared to Wild Seed

No rating

So, I burned through the whole patternmaster series in a matter of months, which is pretty unusual for me. I like to leave big gaps in between installments, so I don't get burned out on a story.

While the series is overall great, I really regret reading the books in chronological order, starting with Wild Seed, and ending with this one, because in publishing order, this is her first book and her first published novel ever. As is to be expected, as Butler's skills as a writer increase, the quality of these earlier and earlier published novels decreases. Patternmaster isn't necessarily bad, but it doesn't hold a candle to Wild Seed, or even Mind of my Mind and Clay's Ark. Not to mention that the stories become gradually less ambitious. So, the overall effect is that a series that starts as an epic world-spanning, century-spanning tale of conflict between two …

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Liberty's Daughter (Paperback, Fairwood Press LLC) 4 stars

Beck Garrison lives on a seastead — an archipelago of constructed platforms and old cruise …

Liberty's Daughter

4 stars

This is a near future story about Beck Garrison, a precocious teenager growing up on a libertarian seastead off the coast of California. Her part-time job is finding things (or people) for others, and this work gets her into things and places she's not supposed to, all while trying to stay out from under the eye of an overbearing father.

It's also got: Reality shows! Unions! (Un)believable backlash against said unions! Shitty controlling parents! Mad scientists!

This book certainly gets at everything you suspect would go wrong with a libertarian seastead. What situations would cause people to flee the United States to go there? What kind of immoral shady behavior would people get up to? What terrible capitalism is everybody living under? What sort of a sham of worker's rights even pretends like it exists here? BUT, if that were all this book were about, it'd be just another …

The House in the Cerulean Sea (Hardcover, 2020, Tor) 4 stars

A magical island. A dangerous task. A burning secret.

Linus Baker leads a quiet, solitary …

Very cozy-fierce

No rating

This is about outgrowing the oppressive structures you've been supporting, and working to tear them down.

Also I think the message is "you can always choose to be a weirdo and live with the weirdos", which makes me very happy.

Yeah I like this one. Much more than I liked Under the Whispering Door, even though that was also nice.

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Escape from Incel Island (EBook, 2023, Strangers in a Tangled Wilderness) 4 stars

To cope with rising misogynist violence, the US government offered people a golden opportunity: any …

They don't call me Mankiller Jones for nothing. They call me Mankiller Jones because I tell people that's my name and I throw kind of a fit if anyone calls me anything else. Honestly, I have a feeling most people call me Shirley behind my back. Or Mx. Jones if they're feeling formal.

Escape from Incel Island by , (Page 1)

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Die Zukunft ist nicht binär (Paperback, German language, 2023, Rowohlt Taschenbuch Verlag) 2 stars

Laut dem Journalisten Tom Ehrhardt (er/ihn), der einen ganzen Podcast über Lana Kaisers Geschichte geschrieben hat, war Lana Kaiser die erste queer geoutete Person, die in Deutschland einen Nummer-eins-Hit hatte. Und ich finde, darüber wird viel zu wenig geredet. Statt ihr die visionäre Rolle zuzugestehen, die sie damals auch innehatte, wurde Kaiser in den Medien zur schrägen Außenseiterin mit psychischen Problemen hochstilisiert. Lana Kaiser wurde und wird – auch innerhalb der queeren Bubble – nicht als Ikone gefeiert, sondern vor allem pathologisiert und als Fall für die Boulevardpresse behandelt: eine verrückte Querschlägerin mit psychischen Problemen auf der Jagd nach Aufmerksamkeit.

Die Zukunft ist nicht binär by 

Lana Kaiser hat damals (noch unter ihrem Deadname) bei der ersten Staffel "Deutschland sucht den Superstar" auf Platz drei geschafft.