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Joined 2 years, 2 months ago

I'm a software tech writer by day. I enjoy reading sci-fi and fantasy, science, some philosophy, and anything else that looks interesting or challenging. Professionally, I need to learn a great deal about cloud native tech like Kubernetes, storage, AWS, and so on.

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djwfyi's books

To Read (View all 7)

Currently Reading

Kim Stanley Robinson: The Ministry for the Future (2020) 3 stars

The Ministry for the Future is a climate fiction ("cli-fi") novel by American science fiction …

To be clear, concluding in brief: there is enough for all. So there should be no more poverty. And there should be no more billionaires. Enough should be a human right, a floor below which no one can fall; also a ceiling above which no one can rise. Enough is as good as a feast—or better.

Arranging this situation is left as an exercise for the reader.

The Ministry for the Future by  (Page 58)

This is the dream, I think. That everyone have enough. And we could have it, if we were just willing.

Kathleen O'Neal Gear: Ice Orphan (2022, DAW) 5 stars

Engrossing read with interesting combo of elements

5 stars

How do you blend prehistoric cultures of other homo species with climate discussions and quantum wave theories?

This is how.

The story engrossed me, and I wound up blazing through it in two sittings. I loved how Gear brought forward different perspectives of viewing the world's different ways of belief, and the values of stories.

I thought some parts of the story were going a very different direction than they wound up, but I still think it was a great story over all.

Joseph Bruchac: Code Talker (2006, Puffin) 4 stars

After being taught in a boarding school run by whites that Navajo is a useless …

WW2 in the hands of the Navajo

5 stars

Incredible telling if the work and sacrifice of the Navajo Code Talkers to the battle and ending of World War 2. Lots of opportunity to consider our prejudices and how they can lead us to miss out on the ways and the values if other people

I loved getting some insight into the culture and beliefs of the Navajo along the way as well.

Great book to read with middle grade kids. Our 8-14 year olds and both adults really enjoyed this one.

Joseph Bruchac: Code Talker (2006, Puffin) 4 stars

After being taught in a boarding school run by whites that Navajo is a useless …

Family read aloud. I was vaguely aware of the Navajo code talkers, but this book really highlights both the importance of their work to the Pacific Theater and also the racism and bigotry they endured before, during, and after the war.

Really thankful to have used the audiobook for all of the Navajo language throughout. Saved me from having to try to stumble through them and also got to appreciate the language heard as well.

Recommend the book for its historical value and its commentary on the value of all people as we work together.

Kevin Wilson: Now Is Not the Time to Panic (2022, HarperCollins Publishers) 4 stars

Engrossing read about the power of art

4 stars

Two young lives shaped by the art they make together one summer that goes out into the world in unexpected and even destructive ways. Two different lives entwined and yet traveling different paths. Both affected by the summer, one never wanting to leave it, the other desperate to get away from it.

Makes me want to read more of Wilson's books.

Brooks, Arthur C.: Love Your Enemies (2019, HarperCollins Publishers) 5 stars

Good challenge and a better way forward

5 stars

If we'll listen.

We imagine ourselves surrounded by enemies who demand to be loathed and beaten into defeated submission.

But that's not the world we want. It's not the way of the people who made us. And it's not the way of the people who will lead us out of the impasse we find ourselves in politically.

Listen respectfully, engage in the exchange of ideas honestly. We can be better. We don't have to hold each other with the contempt we have grown. We can be better than we are currently.

Honestly, I yelled at this book (really) while reading chapter 4. But that doesn't negate the fact that this is a book everyone in America needs to read. Contempt is only driving us apart, and we all want better than that for our country and the people in it now and in the future.

We can make a better …

Brooks, Arthur C.: Love Your Enemies (2019, HarperCollins Publishers) 5 stars

I think most everyone in America needs to read this book, take it to heart, and put it into action. I don't align with the author politically, but that's the whole point. That's okay. We can still learn from each other and create a better country and a better world by talking to each other and engaging in good honest debate. That's how we learn and grow.

Love your enemies, indeed. And you might discover that there aren't nearly as many enemies as we let ourselves imagine.

Brooks, Arthur C.: Love Your Enemies (2019, HarperCollins Publishers) 5 stars

The single biggest way a subversive can change America is not by disagreeing less, but by disagreeing better—engaging in earnest debate while still treating everyone with love and respect.

Love Your Enemies by  (77%)

Despite some frustrations I had with assumptions Brooks makes earlier in the book, I do think he makes an accurate diagnosis of the problems currently raging and keeping America separated from itself. And I think he has a good suggestion on the prescription needed to get back to the debates and iron sharpening iron that have made America a great people and nation. It is one we can be again. But it has to start with respecting differences and disagreeing, as he says here, better.

Brooks, Arthur C.: Love Your Enemies (2019, HarperCollins Publishers) 5 stars

If you want to be a unifying and persuasive leader, you start by saying, 'I share your why but I don't share your what. And I think that my what is more effective to meet your why.'

Love Your Enemies by  (37%)

In this chapter (ch. 4) Brooks is arguing that people have different sets of moral foundations. So here, he suggests that we find common ground in moral groundings we do share and work back from there.

So, we agree that people have value and should be cared for, that's the why. The what is the things that we do, the policies we put in place, the people we elect that help us address the why.

I think it's an intriguing argument, though I was yelling at the dark air of the outdoor space I was sitting in for most of the rest of the chapter. But that's for another time.