Ten Thousand Doors of January

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Alix E. Harrow: Ten Thousand Doors of January (2019, Orbit)

384 pages

English language

Published Nov. 15, 2019 by Orbit.

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4 stars (11 reviews)

7 editions

Very very meh

3 stars

Listened to this on audiobook. I found the premise of this book to be interesting and fun. But holy crap so much stuff could have been cut out of this book. I almost DNFd in the first third because it was DRAGGING ON. Then things finally start happening and then there's another sudden lull where it's just dragging...I found myself not really caring about any of the characters and what might happen to them.

And why did it take so long for a book called the thousand doors to actually really have things going on with doors?!

I finished it up because as I said, the premise was intriguing and I wanted to see what was done with it. I didn't hate it. But I didn't like it and it's not one that I will be recommending to people.

Decent read, maybe best appreciated by younger readers

No rating

I found this book interesting enough to finish (bear in mind I drop 75% of the books I pick up).The dual(ish) timeline kept the plot from being completely linear, and the prose was very readable.

January didn’t appeal to me as a character. She didn’t strike me as someone who learns from experience, even if (vague spoiler) some of that might be due to external influences. It seemed the other characters were either there to help her (that being their whole purpose in life), or to be villainously villainous. This probably reflects a young target readership.

Overall, a decent read, though I probably won’t pick it up again.

Multiverse of meh

3 stars

Content warning Spoiler for a story twist, cw death, animal harm, self harm

Review of 'Ten Thousand Doors of January' on 'Goodreads'

3 stars

I wanted to like all of The Ten Thousand Doors of January, I admire the conceit and like the unusual assemblage of narratives, but I have little affection for the heroine and her dog, who lack much slyness and cunning, which I value in a disadvantaged and plucky heroine. Yule Ian Scholar and Jane Irimu are developed and interesting characters, but too much of the book fizzed out for me. Maybe if I hadn't read and enjoyed Silvia Moreno-Garcia's [b:Gods of Jade and Shadow|36510722|Gods of Jade and Shadow|Silvia Moreno-Garcia|https://i.gr-assets.com/images/S/compressed.photo.goodreads.com/books/1543268579l/36510722.SY75.jpg|58230232] prior to reading this...

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  • Fiction, fantasy, general