Em 1891, quando foi publicado em sua versão final, O retrato de Dorian Gray foi recebido com escândalo, e provocou um intenso debate sobre o papel da arte em relação à moralidade. Alguns anos mais tarde, o livro foi inclusive usado contra o próprio autor em processos judiciais, como evidência de que ele possuía “uma certa tendência” - no caso, a homossexualidade, motivo pelo qual acabou condenado a dois anos de prisão por atentado ao pudor. Mais de cem anos depois, porém, o único romance de Oscar Wilde continua sendo lido e debatido no mundo inteiro, e por questões que vão muito além do moralismo do fim do período vitoriano na Inglaterra, definida por um dos personagens do livro como “a terra natal da hipocrisia”. Seu tema central - um personagem que leva uma vida dupla, mantendo uma aparência de virtude enquanto se entrega ao hedonismo mais extremado - tem …
Em 1891, quando foi publicado em sua versão final, O retrato de Dorian Gray foi recebido com escândalo, e provocou um intenso debate sobre o papel da arte em relação à moralidade. Alguns anos mais tarde, o livro foi inclusive usado contra o próprio autor em processos judiciais, como evidência de que ele possuía “uma certa tendência” - no caso, a homossexualidade, motivo pelo qual acabou condenado a dois anos de prisão por atentado ao pudor. Mais de cem anos depois, porém, o único romance de Oscar Wilde continua sendo lido e debatido no mundo inteiro, e por questões que vão muito além do moralismo do fim do período vitoriano na Inglaterra, definida por um dos personagens do livro como “a terra natal da hipocrisia”. Seu tema central - um personagem que leva uma vida dupla, mantendo uma aparência de virtude enquanto se entrega ao hedonismo mais extremado - tem apelo atemporal e universal, e sua trama se vale de alguns dos traços que notabilizaram a melhor literatura de sua época, como a presença de elementos fantásticos e de grandes reflexões filosóficas, além do senso de humor sagaz e do sarcasmo implacável característicos de Wilde.
Review of 'The picture of Dorian Gray' on 'Goodreads'
5 stars
On one level it's an enjoyable gothic horror/comedic classic, with very "extra" characters swooning around and making declarations. But considering Wilde's own life and his very public conduct thereof, it's just a tragic self-portrait of a man wracked by guilt and shame and a public who validated his self-condemnation. Lord Henry's outrageous inversions of common values are often comedic nonsense. But sometimes they seem more authentic than the original sentiment they play off, and it's those moments when Wilde's self-flagellation is paused and his punishing art hits society broadside. Hey wait, what? He must have seemed like such a troll to the Victorians.
For such a small novel, there is plenty of content. And that is how it should be, for if the main theme is Art (as the prologue might suggest)it ought to be complicated and thoughtful. After all, how would you answer the question: what is art?
In Wilde's only novel, Art is personified in Dorian Gray. The artists (there are two, Basil and Lord Henry)each contribute to this Art in their own way, and together with Dorian Gray, prove that "Art is quite useless." But what draws us to the Art? What is its soul? Is it constant like the Dorian's youth or does it change like his portrait in the attic? Does the application of Art determine its morality? Does it have morality?
This, of course, is just one layer of this insanely complex novel. It is also an analysis of a sort of nihilism, of innocence vs. experience, …
For such a small novel, there is plenty of content. And that is how it should be, for if the main theme is Art (as the prologue might suggest)it ought to be complicated and thoughtful. After all, how would you answer the question: what is art?
In Wilde's only novel, Art is personified in Dorian Gray. The artists (there are two, Basil and Lord Henry)each contribute to this Art in their own way, and together with Dorian Gray, prove that "Art is quite useless." But what draws us to the Art? What is its soul? Is it constant like the Dorian's youth or does it change like his portrait in the attic? Does the application of Art determine its morality? Does it have morality?
This, of course, is just one layer of this insanely complex novel. It is also an analysis of a sort of nihilism, of innocence vs. experience, of that age old question of whether it is better to be just than to do whatever you want, vanity, etc. All of which are treated in the same manner: questions raised, but are there any answers?
Perhaps there are, but there are only hints at them, and perhaps they change as we do with each experience and with each change. Perhaps this change is better carried by us then by a portrait. Perhaps there is ultimately no significant difference in the end.
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