The martian chronicles.

The Grand Master Editions

mass market paperback, 192 pages

English language

Published June 1, 1984 by Bantam Books.

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4 stars (20 reviews)

This is a collection of science fiction short stories, cleverly cobbled together to form a coherent and very readable novel about a future colonization of Mars. As the stories progress chronologically the author tells how the first humans colonized Mars, initially sharing the planet with a handful of Martians. When Earth is devastated by nuclear war the colony is left to fend for itself and the colonists determine to build a new Earth on Mars.

87 editions

Too old-fashioned for me

4 stars

I never got around to reading this genre classic when I was a teenager and perhaps I left it too late. The book comes off as very old-fashioned, even outdated as it reproduces the classical gender roles of the 50s in the US, even among the Martians. According to the foreword, Bradbury wanted to write a story with that exact old-school feel but set on Mars. He succeeded but I kind of struggled with relating to the stories and characters as a result. Nevertheless, some aspects were intriguing (the somewhat crude critique of the explorer mindset and the strangeness of the alien planet) and I really liked the melancholy vibe towards the end of the book.

Distopia bat

3 stars

Kosta zitzaidan pixka bat irakurtzea, ez dakit ingeles mailagatik izango zen. Hala ere, gomendatzen dut.

Barrua kolpatu zidan eszena batek (ez da izorrakia, baina adi, banoa eta) hildako batzuk ikusi eta benetakoak ez direla pentsatzen dutenean. Hil bezain pronto ahaztu zituzten, ez gara deus, sentsazio hori eman zidan kolpetik.

Review of 'The Martian Chronicles' on 'Goodreads'

4 stars

Sometimes the sentiment is turned up a little high, but I think it was more a matter of the times when these stories were written. It's been so many years since I first read this that I largely forgot the details." This is a review of the Audible version ten years later, a long time after the first time I read this.

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  • Science Fiction
  • Fiction
  • Literature - Classics / Criticism
  • Classics
  • Science Fiction - General
  • Fiction / Science Fiction / General
