The Goblin Emperor

Published Nov. 13, 2014 by Tor Books.

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4 stars (12 reviews)

Fantasy novel by Sarah Monette under the pseudonym Katherine Addison.

1 edition

Intriga palaciega con fina textura

4 stars

Despiertas y plaf te toca encabezar un imperio, tú el cuarto hijo, el relegado, cuasi-exiliado. Nadie esperaba que te tocaría, cualquiera de los otros iba antes, pero así es cuando se mueren todos en un accidente.

Por lo tanto todo es duda y sorpresa, pero cual diplomático japonés te toca ocultar todo estado emocional, ser ilegible conviene a los intereses del imperio. No ayuda que tienes orejas, pues eres un goblin, una raza más oscura de elfo.

En esto ayuda tu inocencia: el imperio no te interesa más que como estructura de poder para ayudar a tu gente. Pronto se nota que no eres como el previo emperador, como los previos: tienes otra sensibilidad, te interesas por todos.

Es que tu guardián hasta ayer era tu primo que te odiaba y maltrataba. Por eso tu capacidad refinada de sentir el dolor ajeno. Por eso serás otro tipo de emperador, nomás …

Review of 'The Goblin Emperor' on 'Goodreads'

5 stars

When this book was recommended to me, I'll admit I heard the title, sighed, and thought, "Man, I'm not really feeling the High Fantasy vibe right now." My reluctance grew deeper when I heard is was Steampunk as well as High Fantasy. But it came highly recommended, and by two people whose literary opinions I respect, so I tried to put aside my momentary prejudices and tucked in.

I'm so glad I did.

This book was as far from the typical High Fantasy novel as you can get, and the Steampunk element was just that: an element, rather than a driving force. In truth, it reminded me of the surprise and delight I felt when I first read [b:Jonathan Strange & Mr Norrell|14201|Jonathan Strange & Mr Norrell|Susanna Clarke||3921305], [a:Susanna Clarke|8842|Susanna Clarke|]'s singularly amazing novel, which was ostensibly about two magicians and the workings of magic in late 19th-century England, but …

Review of 'The Goblin Emperor' on 'Goodreads'

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Three-hundred pages in and it was fine, but I just didn't feel any need to complete it. Plot-wise, there were a lot of irons in the fire, but none of them hot enough to make a mark. I had trouble keeping people straight. There are A LOT of characters and family names and locations thrown at you, and the names were sometimes complicated, or too similar to another. It might have been a personal weakness that I couldn't remember who was who, but it really did make things hard to follow. I will probably read later books by this author. She does show talent, and maybe it was just this book I didn't get along with.

Objectionable material: none in the first 300 pages. The society is formal and conservative, so the story matches.

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