Béladozer reviewed Good Omens by Neil Gaiman
Review of 'Good Omens' on 'Goodreads'
2 stars
I read this about 20 years ago and liked it then, so I thought I'd give it a re-read. It's nothing like I remember.
mass market paperback, 512 pages
English language
Published Feb. 25, 2019 by William Morrow.
Armageddon only happens once, you know. They don't let you go around again until you get it right.
According to the Nice and Accurate Prophecies of Agnes Nutter, Witch - the world's only totally reliable guide to the future, written in 1655, before she exploded - the world will end on a Saturday.
Next Saturday, in fact. Just after tea...
People have been predicting the end of the world almost from its very beginning, so it's only natural to be sceptical when a new date is set for Judgement Day.
This time though, the armies of Good and Evil really do appear to be massing. The four Bikers of the Apocalypse are hitting the road. But both the angels and demons - well, one fast-living demon and a somewhat fussy angel - would quite like the Rapture not to happen.
Oh, and someone seems to have misplaced the Antichrist...
I read this about 20 years ago and liked it then, so I thought I'd give it a re-read. It's nothing like I remember.
One of my favourite books. Gaiman and Pratchett bring out the absolute best in each other.
Good Omens is a thrilling apocalyptic fantasy with a good bit of humour. the amount of characters introduced leading up to the climax lead to a somewhat protracted lead up to an already heavily foreshadowed climax, which made me a bit impatient at times for the book to finally get on with it, but the climax then definitely was worth it <spoiler>even if it hand-waved away an insinuated further climax</spoiler>. Well worth reading for sure.
I enjoyed the premise. Gaiman's themes (what happens when the supernatural interacts with our world in almost a commonplace way) and Pratchet's humor were both compelling and made me want to read more of both authors. I felt the premise and set-up were stronger than the ending. I just wanted more of the angel and demon enjoying each other's company.
I was a little surprised by this one. Maybe I’m not the right target audience but I found it all just a tiny bit too whimsical for me. I still thoroughly enjoyed it though, just not 5 stars enjoyed it
J'ai vraiment pris du temps à m'attaquer à Good Omens et je tenais vraiment à le lire avant l'arrivée de la série. Je regrette amèrement d'avoir attendu si longtemps car ce livre était vraiment génial, tant du point de vue de l'histoire que de l'écriture et de l'humour omniprésent. J'ai éclaté de rire plusieurs fois au cours de la lecture (surtout le passage sur l'entretien des plantes par Crowley par exemple) ce qui m'arrive assez rarement avec des livres. Un bonheur de retrouver l'écriture de Neil Gaiman allié à Terry Pratchett et sa touche d'absurde. Je suis maintenant extrêmement impatient de voir ce que donnera l'adaptation et ne peut que recommander chaleureusement ce livre :)
One thing is clear, the casting of David Tennant is inspired. The character fit is perfect!
Fun book. It's interesting to have two beloved authors writing the same story. There are interesting crossovers between the styles that can seem confusing. The story is a very tangled web of story lines that are, very successfully, all tied up in nice and neat bow.